

Based in Eugene, Oregon, Dr. David Bove provides comprehensive natural health care and services for all challenging health conditions.

Guided by the Principles of Naturopathic Medicine, Dr. Bove uses his practice in Eugene to focus on understanding the underlying cause of disease and treating the whole person: mind, body, and spirit, aligned with the healing power of nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae). Initial office visits are 1 – 2 hours and include a thorough history and physical exam for a full range of medical concerns (see Areas of Specialization). Dr. Bove designs an individualized plan for each patient that may include any of the following Therapies or Testing Procedures:

Naturopathic Medicine is a primary care approach that treats a wide variety of medical conditions, focusing on nutrition & wellness with time-honored herbal medicine, acupuncture & other therapies.  These are typically offered as alternatives to prescription medicines, but Dr. Bove is primary care physician in Eugene, Oregon, licensed to prescribe pharmaceuticals when you & he decide this is the best course of action. 


Eugene acupuncture services
